When: Sun, October 3, 2021 from 11:15 am – 12:00 pm Where: Central Christian Church, 3690 Cherry Creek S. Drive, Denver, CO 80209
Contact: CCC Volunteers Contact Email: denverdisciples@gmail.com
Open Volunteer Spots: 1
Sunday Volunteer Opportunity – Closer
Responsibilities: At the end of the worship service, walk the entire building to turn off all lights, check all doors to make sure locked and security bars are in place. Lock doors at the office entry, and set the alarm as you are the last person to leave.
Responsibilities: At the end of the worship service, walk the entire building to turn off all lights, check all doors to make sure locked and security bars are in place. Lock doors at the office entry, and set the alarm as you are the last person to leave.
- Walk the building, turning off all lights, checking all exterior doors/windows
to make sure properly locked. - Lock doors (Check outside mechanism and place red security bars on all
crash bars after using the tool to lock the crash bars). - Turn off the handicap button light switch at the entry doors and office doors.
- Assist Cleaners with cleaning up coffee pots, cups, etc take to kitchen
- Check the lock on the doors near the office and set the alarm (press
AWAY) as you exit. Make sure the door is secure from outside
before leaving.
When coffee fellowship begins, Closers will assist Cleaners (Coffee pots, cups, trash in the Narthex/return to the kitchen).
1 Closer is needed each Sunday.