In the Disciples tradition, we celebrate Holy Communion every week, partaking of the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. You don’t have to be a church member to participate in the Lord’s Supper with us. In fact, it’s not required that you be a member of any church, as communion is open to all believers in Jesus Christ. We remember Christ in the breaking of the bread as he commanded us, saying, “This is my body, broken for you.” We also remember him in the cup, symbolizing his shed blood, for Jesus asked us to “Do this, as often as you drink this cup, in remembrance of me.
We currently offer Communion cups in the back of the sanctuary for all who enter to partake in. Due to COVID-19, we have moved away from communion by intinction, but we hope that all can join in this sacred moment through the alternative of individual communion.
We use non-alcoholic grape juice – not wine – in the communion cup. While this practice distinguishes us from some other Eucharistic traditions, we believe it is important that our worship recognizes the needs of non-drinkers, recovering alcoholics, and children.